Month: October 2010


Convert ‘\\’ to ‘\’ in c#

This post would sound pretty weird to any c# developer. However, a situation i had been in last week forced me to bring this into notice. I had an XML file in which i had node values like 'Requirements Management\XYZ'. I read the XML using XLinq and the c# string looked like 'Requirements Management\\XYZ'. At ...


How to get the javascript version?

Javascript is evolving. With newer version, more commands, new functionalities gets added. To get to know the version of javascript your browser supports, just save the following code as html and load it in your browser: <script type="text/javascript"> var jsver = 1.0; </script> <script language="Javascript1.1"> jsver = 1.1; </script> <script language="Javascript1.2"> jsver = 1.2; </script> ...