Tag: IE


Changing scroll bar color in Gecko Browsers

Although this is not recommended by W3C, out of popular interest, i feel like posting the solution to this problem. The problem, being the fact that IE went ahead and allowed people to customise its scrollbars, while the gecko browsers like Firefox, Opera does not allow user styles to custom browser styles.  For IE scrollbar settings, ...


How to enable javascript in various browsers – help file

This is a help reference for those sites, which are javascript critical. You can use this in a page to which you redirect in your javascript disabled scenario. Microsoft Internet Explorer 1. On the Tools dropdown menu, click Internet Options, and then click the Security tab. 2. Click on the earth «Internet» icon, and then ...


Styling a file upload control or input type = “file”

FileUpload control has weird styles, especially when you view them across browsers. The normal look and feel of the control, would look like something below: The Safari one looks really worth a bug for the testers. This solution to style fileupload controls is a concise and verified version of the solution by Michael McGrady. Step ...


How to apply width to IE and not Firefox

Well the solution is simple. All you need is the knowledge of some keyword that IE recognises while setting the property value, while Mozilla ignores it. Few solutions: 1. Using Expressions: div#maincontainer{ width:300px; /* IE and mozilla will take the width as 300px */ width:expression('100%'); /* But now mozilla will ignore this statement, but IE ...


Javascript to maximise window on load

Well this is simple script to get your browser maximised onload: <html> <head> <script language="JavaScript"> window.onload = maxWindow; function maxWindow() { window.moveTo(0,0); if (document.all) { top.window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight); } else if (document.layers||document.getElementById) { if (top.window.outerHeight<screen.availHeight||top.window.outerWidth<screen.availWidth) { top.window.outerHeight = screen.availHeight; top.window.outerWidth = screen.availWidth; } } } </script> </head> <body>Testing</body> </html> I just tested it it IE. Hope this ...


Internet Explorer Bugs

Internet explorer is considered as the most widely used browser over the internet. However, this buddy comes up with some weird bugs in every version of it. I will be giving you a high level view of the bugs that IE has got. To get the indepth view of these bugs, i would recommend you ...


CSS fixes based on Browser versions

IE Specific CSS loading: There can be scenarios wherein you might want to load IE version specific CSS. Say an IE6.css file for IE 6 and below, IE7.css for IE 7 alone. In these scenarios, it is good to exploit the conditional comments that IE layout engine Trident look upon. Check the code below to ...


CSS and Browser Compatibility Chart

We have a lot of browsers poping up every year. Not to mention the versions they come in. At times it can prove difficult to check if the website you have designed would look good in all browser. Browser compatibility has always been a web designers nightmare. Taking into account of this, i thought it ...