Category: Browser


Best Practices for jQuery Developers

Following are some of the best practices that you could follow while working with jQuery: Plugins: Please avoid unnecessary use of plugins If a plugin is being used, respect the authors work and ensure that the plugin file is reused with the license comments intact If you are writing a reusable functionality in the code, ...


div with 100% height

With div design catching up, we end up having issues with the stretching div to the max height. Most of the time this is noticed in the footer section, which has to always stretch to the edge of the browser scroll. I came across of a browser compatible solution to this problem and thought of ...


Pixel by Pixel Testing

Recently one of my clients came up with a wonderful spec that really held me speechless. Each and every minute details were so crisp and clear that both the developers and testers had to do graveyard shifts. One of them was the Pixel level testing that was requested. I am sharing some of my thoughts ...


Wrap text through CSS

Wrapping text through CSS is quite a necessary evil when your Analyst come up with jargons that stretches 15-20 charactors... 😉 So here's the deal. If you need to wrap text through CSS, you can use the CSS selector defined below: Wrap words through CSS /* In CSS */ .wrapword{  white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important;  /* Mozilla, ...


How to get the javascript version?

Javascript is evolving. With newer version, more commands, new functionalities gets added. To get to know the version of javascript your browser supports, just save the following code as html and load it in your browser: <script type="text/javascript"> var jsver = 1.0; </script> <script language="Javascript1.1"> jsver = 1.1; </script> <script language="Javascript1.2"> jsver = 1.2; </script> ...


Changing scroll bar color in Gecko Browsers

Although this is not recommended by W3C, out of popular interest, i feel like posting the solution to this problem. The problem, being the fact that IE went ahead and allowed people to customise its scrollbars, while the gecko browsers like Firefox, Opera does not allow user styles to custom browser styles.  For IE scrollbar settings, ...


How to enable javascript in various browsers – help file

This is a help reference for those sites, which are javascript critical. You can use this in a page to which you redirect in your javascript disabled scenario. Microsoft Internet Explorer 1. On the Tools dropdown menu, click Internet Options, and then click the Security tab. 2. Click on the earth «Internet» icon, and then ...


Best PNG Fix for IE 6

PNG fix for IE6 has always been messier than expected. There has been lot of out of the box solutions available on the net. However, the best that worked for me was the "DD Belated PNG" fix. It is a simple PNG fix specific for IE 6. I would recommend you to load it with ...


Large CSS background moves on resize, in IE 8

This post is in continuation to the a solution given by webdesignerWall, regarding the use of large CSS backgrounds in your website. You can check the site below: The solution he states is that of using display:table; for body tag wherein you are specifying your large background. The solution works quite fine! But when ...


Third party tool styles overriding my styles?

You might come across this scenario wherein, you want to override a css class of a third party add-in, but still not able to apply your styles. Well the reason is nothing but the concept of cascading coming into play. In this case, your third party selectors have the higher precedence over your site stylesheet. ...