Month: February 2011


Grouping inside dropdown

Grouping inside the dropdown list is normally misunderstood by developers for a long time. The required outcome is shown below: To get an output like this on a dropdown, it is not good to add a new item in the dropdown and then add validations for not selecting that option. The solution to this problem ...


div with 100% height

With div design catching up, we end up having issues with the stretching div to the max height. Most of the time this is noticed in the footer section, which has to always stretch to the edge of the browser scroll. I came across of a browser compatible solution to this problem and thought of ...


Pixel by Pixel Testing

Recently one of my clients came up with a wonderful spec that really held me speechless. Each and every minute details were so crisp and clear that both the developers and testers had to do graveyard shifts. One of them was the Pixel level testing that was requested. I am sharing some of my thoughts ...


3D Carousel jQuery

One of the widely used and personally, i too recommend this one. the Cloud Carousel. Thought of attaching a sample here. Try it out. Its pretty simple and effective. The main site: Professor Cloud You can download the source code here: 3d Carousel [Please rename the .pdf to .zip... WordPress complications.. :P]


Wrap text through CSS

Wrapping text through CSS is quite a necessary evil when your Analyst come up with jargons that stretches 15-20 charactors... 😉 So here's the deal. If you need to wrap text through CSS, you can use the CSS selector defined below: Wrap words through CSS /* In CSS */ .wrapword{  white-space: -moz-pre-wrap !important;  /* Mozilla, ...