Tag: Opera


Changing scroll bar color in Gecko Browsers

Although this is not recommended by W3C, out of popular interest, i feel like posting the solution to this problem. The problem, being the fact that IE went ahead and allowed people to customise its scrollbars, while the gecko browsers like Firefox, Opera does not allow user styles to custom browser styles.  For IE scrollbar settings, ...


CSS fixes based on Browser versions

IE Specific CSS loading: There can be scenarios wherein you might want to load IE version specific CSS. Say an IE6.css file for IE 6 and below, IE7.css for IE 7 alone. In these scenarios, it is good to exploit the conditional comments that IE layout engine Trident look upon. Check the code below to ...


CSS and Browser Compatibility Chart

We have a lot of browsers poping up every year. Not to mention the versions they come in. At times it can prove difficult to check if the website you have designed would look good in all browser. Browser compatibility has always been a web designers nightmare. Taking into account of this, i thought it ...