Tag: coding


Learn jQuery: A simple ‘Hello World’ jQuery Code

jQuery - A powerful javascript library capable of doing all your complex javascript actions and functionality in a line or two. How cool is that. Pre-requisites : Notepad, jquery.js file(You can get it here),  some coding background and an open mind Let's Start with a simple Hello World: Open your notepad, create a html file ...


.Net Coding Standards Part2 : Coding Practices

This post is in continuation to my previous post ".Net Coding Standards Part1 : Naming conventions and style". If you wish to go through it again, you can access it here. Here i will be taking you through some Coding practices in DotNet coding. I would request you to go through them slowly and with ...


.Net Coding Standards Part1 : Naming conventions and style

As .Net developers we tend to forget this key ingredient in our lives. Quite frequently, we end up in a coding mess. It would be good to take into account of coding standards before you start writing your first letter. It took me a lot to understand them. In no way you could learn them ...